Once you're certain your period is late by more than a week, buy a test at any pharmacy, grocery store, drug store, walmart, etc. Even dollar stores have them. Read the instructions, most are fairly idiot-proof. In one form or another you get your urine onto the stick, wait a few minutes, and read the result. The test you select will tell you exactly how to go about this process as it's slightly different with each test. (Some will have you pee in a cup and dip the stick, others will have you pee directly on the stick, some include a dropper, etc. Also, each one has a different symbol or indicator which means positive/negative so be sure to fully understand what that is for your particular test or you could end up misreading it.) If you don't trust the home test, go to the doctor or go to Planned Parenthood. They do free pregnancy tests, offer resources if you are pregnant, and are always confidential. Also, you can be sure the results you get from them are accurate.
Something to consider in the future - protection, if you're not already using it. Planned Parenthood can also get you free or low-cost birth control pills and they'll give you condoms as well.
It's okay to be scared. Good luck and blessings. I hope everything works out for you.Im 17 and im not sure if im pregnant. Im kinda scared and dony know exactly how this test stuff works?
Generally speaking, you buy a home pregnancy test, you remove the test from the rap, you remove the splash guard from the tip of the test, pee on the stick, replace the splash guard, wait 5 minutes, if you see two lines (beside each other or crossed in the sign of + ) then you are pregnant. If there is only one line, you are not.
The test works by detecting hormones that are only produced when you are pregnant. You don't want to bother trying to take a test before you think your period is late.Im 17 and im not sure if im pregnant. Im kinda scared and dony know exactly how this test stuff works?
You can buy a test over the counter at any drug store or grocery store. There are different kinds - most are just a little stick that you hold in your urine stream. They come with complete instructions that are easy to follow. I would suggest buying a package that has more than one test. This way if you are unsure after the first one, you'll have another one handy. If you get a negative, it's always best to re-test after a week or two unless you start your period.
Most tests are effective up to 5 days before you would start your period, but it is best to wait until you are actually late. This will be more accurate; you will be less likely to get a false negative.
get a test from the drugstore. actually, get a couple because one of the, could be a false negative. when are you expecting your period? wait til a day after your expected period, then take the test. or, you could go to the doctor and they could tell you right away. your parents wouldnt have to find out if you went to the doctor
Just be calm cause your ';period wont come if your stressed and it will make you worry more. the tests are incredibly accurate. if your in australia (cause i dont know how pregnancy tests work any where else in the world) they will work from 5 days before your missed period, so if your late than anytime is fine but if its due in any more than 5 or 6 days your better off waiting, better to wait then to get a false reading.
its ok to be scared - just read the packet carefully and whilst waiting for the results think about the following things:
-if i was pregnant who would i tell?
- what would i do?
-am i ready?
-next time, how can i be more certain that i wont fall pregnant?
its just a few things to consider - i am the same age and i'm not trying to go all parenty on you!! good luck!!
you can go to the drug store and get a digitial pregnancy test and it will tell you if you are or not
Read the directions and then pee on the stick
then you do a barrel roll
All u do is pee on a stick and if its a plus sign ur pregnant and if its - ur not good luck xD
It should have directions.
You pee on it, thats all. Look at the directions it will say what sign means positive.
there are these things called directions!
they come in the box
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